Investment Promotion Strategy Advisor - Deloitte Consulting LLP, Jordan
Organization(s): Deloitte Consulting LLP
Country/Region: Jordan
Contract Length:Short-term consulting assignment
Apply by: 15 July 2009
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The USAID-funded Economic Development Program (SABEQ) is a broad based economic development initiative, supporting improvements in the business environment and providing assistance to expand innovation and productivity in Jordanian businesses. All Program components support the common objective of building up the private sector - Jordan's companies, innovators and entrepreneurs as the most powerful engine of Economic Growth.
In 2008, the Development Zones Corporation (DZC) was established as the regulatory authority responsible for the Development Zones in Jordan. The Development Zones Law of 2008 established a set of specialized rules to facilitate regional investment. The new legislation is part of Jordan's efforts to substantially increase the flow of productive direct investment.
The DZC is developing its capabilities in the areas of marketing, research, investment/trend analysis, sector targeting, policy advocacy and investment facilitation. This effort although specifically concentrated in the BPO sector, will serve as a replicable model for DZC's development of an overall sector-specific marketing strategy. As a result, this consultancy will carry out the following selected activities:
- Scoping with counterpart(s) including relevant Commissions and Directorates within the DZC, key stakeholders and defining cooperative approach from relevant external agencies through MOU signatures defining roles and responsibilities, as well as potential obstacles to be addressed
- Preparation of a Marketing Plan and reaching consensus with stakeholders as to their respetive role and budgetary participation levels
- Provision of support to the DZC and stakeholders to implement a year long promotional marketing cycle that includes: definition of customer relations system; Investment contact techniques; outreach activities preparation, implementation and follow up, investor site visit conduction and follow up.
Country/Region: Jordan
Contract Length:Short-term consulting assignment
Apply by: 15 July 2009
Please email
The USAID-funded Economic Development Program (SABEQ) is a broad based economic development initiative, supporting improvements in the business environment and providing assistance to expand innovation and productivity in Jordanian businesses. All Program components support the common objective of building up the private sector - Jordan's companies, innovators and entrepreneurs as the most powerful engine of Economic Growth.
In 2008, the Development Zones Corporation (DZC) was established as the regulatory authority responsible for the Development Zones in Jordan. The Development Zones Law of 2008 established a set of specialized rules to facilitate regional investment. The new legislation is part of Jordan's efforts to substantially increase the flow of productive direct investment.
The DZC is developing its capabilities in the areas of marketing, research, investment/trend analysis, sector targeting, policy advocacy and investment facilitation. This effort although specifically concentrated in the BPO sector, will serve as a replicable model for DZC's development of an overall sector-specific marketing strategy. As a result, this consultancy will carry out the following selected activities:
- Scoping with counterpart(s) including relevant Commissions and Directorates within the DZC, key stakeholders and defining cooperative approach from relevant external agencies through MOU signatures defining roles and responsibilities, as well as potential obstacles to be addressed
- Preparation of a Marketing Plan and reaching consensus with stakeholders as to their respetive role and budgetary participation levels
- Provision of support to the DZC and stakeholders to implement a year long promotional marketing cycle that includes: definition of customer relations system; Investment contact techniques; outreach activities preparation, implementation and follow up, investor site visit conduction and follow up.
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