Short-term consulting assignment, South Africa
- Expert 2 - "Drafting guidelines for a call for Proposals within the Youth Empowerment Programme in South Africa "
- Organization(s): Progeco S.r.l.
- Country/Region: South Africa
- Contract Length: Short-term consulting assignment
- Apply by:12 July 2009
- Reference No:
- FWC07 09-200771 v1
Expert 2
Global objective
The purpose of this request for services is to identify the possible options for the EC to support youth empowerment projects in the sector of culture through a call for proposals in South Africa and give expression to harness youth as drivers and participants in economic and social development.
The assignment is commissioned by the European Commission Delegation in South Africa but meets the expressed interest of other EU Donor´s already supporting CS in South Africa to be part of the study in view of enhancing coordination of future support and of securing more predictable long-term funding.
Specific objective(s)
The specific objectives of the services rendered with respect to formulation of draft guidelines for a call for proposals comprise:
- An analysis of the youth and culture policy in South Africa and the role of the different institutions (National Arts Council (NAC), Department of Arts and Culture (DAC), CSO, European National Institutes of Culture (EUNIC) etc.) at national and local level. Consideration should equally be given to the existing DAC strategy as well as the role of donors.
- A mapping of existing initiatives in the field of youth empowerment/culture in South Africa (DAC, CSO, donors including EC and EUNIC) will be carried out.
- An assessment of the needs identified by both DAC and non State-Actors.
- Following the mapping report and needs assessment, recommendations will be made and guidelines for the call for proposals will be drafted, in compliance with the TAPS and logframe (including indicators and sources of verification). The guidelines should include a description of the proposed lots, budget and implementation calendar.
Through a participatory and interactive approach relevant stakeholders have to be included in the elaboration and validation of the study through two country-wide 1 day workshops. Consultations should equally be carried out with DAC in order to confirm their priorities.
Profile requested
- education equivalent to a Masters Degree, or 5 years' specific experience in one of the fields indicated below, in addition to 10 years' general experience relevant to the assignment.
- Extensive knowledge and practical experience of EC programming, particularly with respect to culture;
- Experience with EC support to civil society (incl. mapping exercise);
- Experience with the facilitation of participatory approaches is a must;
- Knowledge and experience of public sector institutional assessment;
- Extensive knowledge and practical experience of implementing international culture and sports programmes;
- Experience of working on development cooperation in other middle income countries.
- Fluent in spoken and written English, and should have excellent technical writing skills.
Indicative starting date: 27th July 2009
Contact Person: Alessandro Natali E-mail Tel +39 0532 790980 - Fax +39 0532 790231
Note: If you are interested in applying for the above positions, please send your CV (EC format) to Mr Alessandro Natali before 25/06/2009, referring FWC07 09-200771 v1 Expert 2
Only selected candidate will contacted
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