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Thursday, May 14, 2009

TweetThis! CfP Historical & Crosscultural Perspectives on Religious Identities and Institutions: Germany and Turkey in Interaction

Veranstalter:Goethe Institut Istanbul; Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul; Center for Global Studies Istanbul
Datum, Ort:10.09.2009-12.09.2009, Istanbul
We are pleased to announce the jointly organized Conference of Yildiz Technical University, Center for Global Studies and Goethe Institute, titled “Germany and Turkey in Interaction: Historical and Crosscultural Perspectives on Religious Identities and Institutions.”
The conference aims to identify the mutual influences between the two countries specifically in the area of discourses regarding the place of religion in the national identity and imagery, and the tensions between the institutions that regulate religious life and those that regulate secular citizenship.
The first part of the Conference will aim to develop a historical perspective in mapping out the role of religion in the contested process of state and nation building in both Turkey and Germany. The second part will focus on the contemporary institutional structures and processes that create, regulate, 
differentiate, and repress religious identities.
Although the conference has a comparative framework, individual papers should not necessarily strive to include a discussion of both countries, as long as the paper addresses one of the conference themes.
Papers are invited along two broad lines under the following themes:
A) The Role of Religion in State and Nation Building: A comparative historical perspective on the role of religion in the course of imagining and building the nation in Germany and Turkey 
- The role of religion in national identity and state formation. 
- The role of religion in immigration and minority policies. 
- The historical origins of essentialist elements in political culture.
B) The Globalization of Religion: A comparative perspective on the transformation of religious identities and institutions in the context of supranationalization in Germany and Turkey. 
- The German states’ strategy to make Islam part of the culture and society of the Federal Republic. 
- The role of the EU and the ECtHR in the organization of the religious sphere. 
- The place of nationalism and national identity in the strategies of different Turkish Sunni migrant organizations, such as DiTiB, Millî Görüş, the Süleymancı-linked Islamic Cultural Centres and the Gülen Movement. 
- The stance of the big German churches regarding the significance of religious belonging for the granting of equal citizenship rights. 
- The position of Germany’s Alevi community regarding national identity and the perception of this attitude by Alevi organizations in Turkey. 
- The discourse of Diyanet İşleri regarding the issues of national and religious belonging. 
- The attitude of influential actors in Turkey’s Muslim civil society, like the Gülen network, toward religious minorities. 
- Legal obstacles before the non-Muslim communities in Turkey for the acquisition of full citizenship rights.
Those who wish to participate should submit their proposals no later than June 15, 2009. The proposal should include: (a) an abstract of 250-400 words; (b) the institutional affiliation and position of the author/s; (c) the contact information of the corresponding author: telephone number, fax number, email address, postal address. Applicants may use the standard form available at:
Funding will also be available for participants who do not have other sources of funding to attend the conference. Please indicate your need for travel or accommodation grants in the application form. 
Travel grants will cover the cost of travel to and from Istanbul. Accommodation grants will cover the cost of 4 nights’ stay. 
Please note that proposals will be assessed by the organizing committe and submitters will be notified of the outcome by June 30, 2009. 
Please send inquiries and proposals to: cgs@yildiz.edu.tr 
Organizing Committee: Professor Haldun Gülalp, Dr. Günter Seufert, Dr. Evren Balta Paker
Günter Seufert
Türkgücü Caddesi 57, Daire 6 
60800 Cihangir-Istanbul 
URL:Centre for Global Studies Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul
URL zur Zitation dieses Beitrageshttp://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/termine/id=11397
Copyright (c) 2009 by H-Net and Clio-online, all rights reserved. This work may be copied and redistributed for non-commercial, educational use if proper credit is given to the author and to the list. For other permission, please contact H-SOZ-U-KULT@H-NET.MSU.EDU.

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