Statement by the IPP Executive Chairman, Mr. Reginald Mengi
Here is the full text of the statement by the IPP Executive Chairman issued at yesterday`s news conference:
``Our country is currently facing a huge problem of corruption and is troubled by the fact that the people involved in acts of corruption do not what to be touched.

The resolve by our President, His Excellency Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, to fight corruption and all other evils has shaken these people and they are now determined more than ever to combat all the people who are supporting the President in stopping further plunder of our country`s resources.
``Tanzanians should know that people who are being accused of being corrupt in our country do not exceed ten, and out of the ten, five are being accused of being notoriously corrupt - ``corrupt sharks``.
``These are: Rostam Aziz, Tanil Somaiya, Yusuf Manji, Jeethu Patel and Subash Patel.
These people are being accused of stealing billions of public money, and to make this worse, the billions have been transferred out of the country.
``These notoriously corrupt people are involved in almost all scandals that have happened in our country, including those concerning Richmond, EPA, Dowans, Army helicopters and vehicles, the Presidential Jet, Radar, NSSF, PSPF, National Lottery etc, etc.
``The great efforts of His Excellency the President to hasten economic development and better living for every Tanzanian are weakened by the horrendous theft of national resources.
A great majority of Tanzanians still face extreme poverty; they are unable to determine where the one meal a day is going to come from.
To make things worse, where a Tanzanian with better means provides assistance to lessen hardship within the society and to eradicate poverty, these people involved in corruption allege that such assistance has political agenda. They want Tanzanians to starve or die as a result of other problems.
``It seems that their aim now is to cause national havoc; it will not be surprising to learn that these people support what is behind DECI while Tanzanians remain chasing Pastors instead of asking themselves the real source of the havoc.
``These notoriously corrupt people are not only stealing our national resources; they are also stealing our precious time.
Instead of using our time for economic development we are using most of it to combat corruption.
``Our efforts have failed to even cause a dent; instead these corrupt people have been hardened in their determination.
They have established newspapers that are abusive and treat Tanzanians with contempt.
``They have created a scenario where the thief chases and attacks the person from whom he has stolen.
Even as Tanzanians continue to cry foul, the notoriously corrupt people continue to use their ill-obtained wealth to influence the granting of big contracts to them often in different names.
``Millions of Tanzanians are combating corruption, but there are a few who have come forward vehemently and are known by their names.
The notoriously corrupt people have been heard to say that they will annihilate these vehement combatants.
``The notoriously corrupt people should know that if the combatants are harmed in any way in this country or any other country, they will be answerable to the people of Tanzania.
``We Tanzanians must now ask ourselves - what gives these notoriously corrupt people the audacity to treat Tanzanians with contempt?
``I would like to conclude by saying that all corrupt people and especially those who are being accused of notorious corruption must be dealt with conclusively, otherwise they will rock the stability of our nation. We must realise that we have now reached the stage when we must say enough is enough.``
``Our country is currently facing a huge problem of corruption and is troubled by the fact that the people involved in acts of corruption do not what to be touched.

The resolve by our President, His Excellency Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, to fight corruption and all other evils has shaken these people and they are now determined more than ever to combat all the people who are supporting the President in stopping further plunder of our country`s resources.
``Tanzanians should know that people who are being accused of being corrupt in our country do not exceed ten, and out of the ten, five are being accused of being notoriously corrupt - ``corrupt sharks``.
``These are: Rostam Aziz, Tanil Somaiya, Yusuf Manji, Jeethu Patel and Subash Patel.
These people are being accused of stealing billions of public money, and to make this worse, the billions have been transferred out of the country.
``These notoriously corrupt people are involved in almost all scandals that have happened in our country, including those concerning Richmond, EPA, Dowans, Army helicopters and vehicles, the Presidential Jet, Radar, NSSF, PSPF, National Lottery etc, etc.
``The great efforts of His Excellency the President to hasten economic development and better living for every Tanzanian are weakened by the horrendous theft of national resources.
A great majority of Tanzanians still face extreme poverty; they are unable to determine where the one meal a day is going to come from.
To make things worse, where a Tanzanian with better means provides assistance to lessen hardship within the society and to eradicate poverty, these people involved in corruption allege that such assistance has political agenda. They want Tanzanians to starve or die as a result of other problems.
``It seems that their aim now is to cause national havoc; it will not be surprising to learn that these people support what is behind DECI while Tanzanians remain chasing Pastors instead of asking themselves the real source of the havoc.
``These notoriously corrupt people are not only stealing our national resources; they are also stealing our precious time.
Instead of using our time for economic development we are using most of it to combat corruption.
``Our efforts have failed to even cause a dent; instead these corrupt people have been hardened in their determination.
They have established newspapers that are abusive and treat Tanzanians with contempt.
``They have created a scenario where the thief chases and attacks the person from whom he has stolen.
Even as Tanzanians continue to cry foul, the notoriously corrupt people continue to use their ill-obtained wealth to influence the granting of big contracts to them often in different names.
``Millions of Tanzanians are combating corruption, but there are a few who have come forward vehemently and are known by their names.
The notoriously corrupt people have been heard to say that they will annihilate these vehement combatants.
``The notoriously corrupt people should know that if the combatants are harmed in any way in this country or any other country, they will be answerable to the people of Tanzania.
``We Tanzanians must now ask ourselves - what gives these notoriously corrupt people the audacity to treat Tanzanians with contempt?
``I would like to conclude by saying that all corrupt people and especially those who are being accused of notorious corruption must be dealt with conclusively, otherwise they will rock the stability of our nation. We must realise that we have now reached the stage when we must say enough is enough.``
6 feedback :
Subi, mada nzuri sana hii kuijadili, lakini pia ninawasiwasi kuwa Mengi anawalinda vigogo wa CCM waliozitafuna fedha za umma.
Ni kweli kwamba wahindi wamehusika na wizi katika taasisi nyeti za serikali, lakini swali lina kuja je walikuwa kweli pekee yao? ukweli ni kwamba watakuwa wameshiriana na vigogo kadhaa serikalini.
Wasiwasi wangu ni kwamba Mengi anaelekeza kombora kwa wahindi kuwalinda vigogo wa CCM, ni kweli wahindi hawezi kuwa na uchungu na umasikini wa taifa letu, kwani mambo yakiwa mabaya watakimbilia Canada au makwao. Sasa kama mzawa mwenye nchi yake hawezi kuwa na uchungu na kutoweka kwa rasilimali za taifa zetu,unategemea mhindi atajali nini. Wairengereza walishanena kuwa "CHARITY STARS AT HOME"
Asante saana Da Subi na Kaka Malkiory kwa hili.
Nashukuru kuwa Ndg Mengi ameweza kuwa na ujasiri wa kuwataja hao mafisadi papa watano. Na faida pekee ya hili ni kuwa pengine itasaidia kuanzisha "ropoka ropoka" inayoweza kuwezesha kupatikana kwa taarifa zaidi.
Lakini kama ajiulizavyo Kaka Malkiory hapo juu, ni kweli kuwa nchi imefilisiwa na watu 10? Ama alimaanisha kuwa 10 ndio walio hai? Na kama majina na uhakiki unaweza kumfikia Mengi, ni vipi hao wenye mamlaka, majukumu na wajibu wa kuyatafuta na kuwaeleza wananchi?
Kuna maswali mengi yanayohitaji kujibiwa hapa, kuwa na Ndg Mengi amepata majina kwa njia gani? Ni njia ambayo mimi na wewe tunaweza kuifuata tukayapata? Kama ndivyo, kwanini hayakuwa yamepatikana tangu mizunguko ya kuwasaka mafisadi ilipoanza? Na kama si kwa njia hizo, yeye ana kip cha tofauti kupata nyeti hizo na kuzihakikisha alivyofanya / kufanyiwa kisha kuzitangaza? Kama MFANYABIASHARA anaweza kuwajua na kuwatangaza wanaoihujumu nchi na waziri mhusika hawezi kufanya hivyo, nadhani ni wakati wa kubinafsisha uongozi wa nchi.
Mzee wa Changamoto, umefika wakati sasa wa wananchi kuzinduka toka kwenye usingizi uliokuwa ukitukumba.
Hivi kweli tukilinganisha utendaji wa wa raisi Kikwete na wa mtu ambaye alikuwa akiitwa dictor Idi Amin Dada wa Uganda, ambaye alitangaza vita vita vya kiuchumi dhidi ya wafanyibiashara toka Asia au kuwa mwazi zaidi vita dhidi ya magabachori, unadhani ni yupi ni kiongozi bora? Kulingana na kauli alizotoa bwana Mengi.
Idi Amin dada hakuwa mwoga,mnafiki, pamoja na madhaifu yake lakini alikuwa ni kiongozi jasiri. Mimi naweza kumuita Idi Amin Dada kama Mwanafalsafa ambaye aliweza pia kutabiri kuwa ipo siku Marekani itakuja kuongozwa na Mmarekani mweusi, kitu ambacho kweli imetokea hivi karibuni.
Ninachotaka kusema hapa ni kwamba Viongozi wetu wa juu kabisa,wasiwe na tabia ya kukumbatia watu ambao wameshakuwa tishio na hatari kwa uchumi wetu duni, viongozi wetu wanatakiwa kuwa na roho ya kuthubutu, uwazi,uzalendo, uchungu dhidi ya wale wote ambao wanaonekana ni kikwazo bila kujali dini, rangi ya ngozi, cheo, uwezo wa kifedha, urafiki, undugu nk.
Kinachohitajika ni suala la uwajibishaji kwa yeyote ambaye anaenda kinyume na taratibu kulingana na sheria za nchi na katiba ya jamhuri ya muungano inavyohitaji.
Nadhani maamuzi mazuri siku zote yanatokana na kusikiliza pande zote za kesi au tuhuma kabla ya kuamua hata ikiwa ushahidi upo dhahiri, bado ipo haki ya kupata habari za kweli toka pande zote kisha kufanya maamuzi ya haki. Ila hiyo itatendeka kwenye nchi yenye haki kweli na inayozingatia na kujali utawala wa sheria. Sijui kama linawezekana hilo katika nchi yoyote ambayo imeshaingiliwa na wabadhirifu. Nadhani ipo haja ya kuunda upya na vigezo vipya vya mahakama ya kimataifa kwa ajili ya kuwashitaki watuhumiwa wa ubadhirifu wa mali wa nchi fulani.
Mtizamo wangu katika suala hili la uongozi mbovu na siasa za mabishano ni kuwa tumepoteza dira, hatuna mwelekeo na kwa kuwa tumevurugwa na wachache wadogo tuliowapa dhamana za uongozi, imekuwa rahisi kwa walaghai kutumia mwanya huo na kufika walipofika.
Nimeandika kwenye kundi pepe fulani kuwa, hiki ni sawa na kisa cha Nyani kwenda kumshakia Tumbili kuiba mahindi ya Binadamu na hakimu wao akawa Kima. Matokeo yake ni kuwa Nyani+Tumbili+Kima wataondoka kwa akli zao wanazozijua na kuhamia shambani na kula mahinid yooote maana sasa hata Nyani na Tumbili wamejifunza mbinu ya kuiba mahindi ya Binadamu.
Dawa ni moja tu weka Uzio wa Umeme bila tangazo lolote, waaache Nyani+Tumbili+Kima wanaswe na umeme wakiungua watajifunza na mahindi ya binadamu yatakuwa salama.
Matatizo yetu yanashindwa kutatuliwa ipasavyo kutokana na kujali sana 'ni nani huyo' kuliko 'kafanya kosa gani huyo'.
Hili linchi linachefua kwa namna watu wanavyotaabika il hali wengine wanaishi kwenye raha na wengine kuthubutu kuwatetea ati hao wachache hawawezi kuleta maendeleo, sasa kumbe wanaingia kwenye uongozi kufanya nini? Nchi zilizoendelea kwani ziliendeleaje kama si viongozi wake wachache walileta hayo maendeleo tunayoyaona na kuyaimba na kuyasifika siku nenda siku rudi? Na ninapozungumzia maendeleo hapa namaanisha mambo yanayowezesha binadamu kupata huduma nzuri na ya uhakika katika afya, elimu, miundombinu, mazingira ya kazi nk.
Hali ilivyo nchini sasa hivi ni hovyo kweli kweli, hamna maelezo.
Got you Sis. Ni kweli kabisa
Publishing such allegations without evidence amounts to criminal libel in accordance with the penal code of Tanzania. No problem for Mengi it seems as Prime Minister Pinda condones his allegations in today’s IPP Media publication, The Guardian mas being within Mengi's constitutional right.
Reginald Mengi has underscored the need for journalists to abide by professional ethics and respect for truth and privacy. Addressing a news conference in his office in Dar es Salaam on 10th April 2009 Mengi accused newspapers '.........sponsored by corrupt suspects, of relentlessly publishing stories full of mischief and falsehoods ...' about him and his family. Given these statements one would expect that Mengi would be particularly mindful of the conduct of IPP Media given, as chief executive officer he is ultimately accountable for the journalistic practices of the group.
In May 2004, Benjamin Mengi, Reginald Mengi’s brother, assigned (through Fiona Tanzania Ltd) the lease to Silverdale & Mbono Farms (Hai District) to British investor Stewart Middleton (Silverdale Tanzania Ltd) in full compliance with the laws of Tanzania. In May 2005, Mengi began negotiating with another British investor Konrad Legg (Tudeley Estates) to sell the lease to him a second time and demanded the lease back. He then claimed he had not been paid in full despite, signing a receipt.
The investors allege, that when they refused to hand the lease back to Mengi, they were then subjected to legal abuse, violence and intimidation at the hands of Mengi and State institutions particularly the police ad judiciary. A background of what is now known as they 'Silverdale Case' can be read at:-
An objective examination of IPP Media’s ‘investigative’ and ‘accountable’ journalism in respect of the 'Silverdale Case' reveals a worrying story in relation to IPP Media's conduct which shows little or no regard for good journalistic practice or indeed, that Mengi is prepared to practice what he preaches in respect of journalistic ethics.
On 22nd November 2005, the Guardian and Nipashe newspapers accused Mr. Middleton of issuing a dud cheque to Benjamin Mengi for $7,000 and that he and his Tanzanian Technical Manager had forged the lease to Silverdale & Mbono Farms.
There is no offence of issuing a ‘bogus’ cheque under the Penal Code of Tanzania, no charge sheet was produced in court and when it was produced the charges were clearly forged at the hands of Inspector Janeth, of the Moshi police and Benjamin Mengi as they complainant. No formal arrest had been made of the men who were denied legal representation. Investigative journalism would have established and revealed these simple facts. It did not. Further, IPP Media did not report the fact that the Director of Public Prosecutions withdrew all charges against the men when he had been apprised of the facts of the complaint.
On 19th January 2006, the Guardian and Nipashe Newspapers accused Mr. Middleton of stealing articles of equipment from Silverdale & Mbono Farms and destroying structures and uprooting coffee trees. It repeated again (after all charges had been dropped by the DPP) the fact that Mr. Middleton was accused of issuing a fake cheque to Benjamin Mengi and of forging the lease to Silverdale & Mbono Farms. It also stated that Benjamin Mengi had taken possession of Silverdale & Mbono Farms.
The publications did not state, that Mr. Mengi’s application to have the investor evicted from the farms was dismissed by the High Court Moshi (Lands Division) by Hon. Kileo or that no criminal charges were pending against the investor or his staff (Land Case 1. 2006). On 24th May 2006, the Guardian accused Mr. Middleton of preventing a court entourage onto his home Silverdale Farm, stating that the purpose of the visit was to allow doctors to exhume bodies of animals kept on the farm by Mrs Millie Mengi.
Mrs. Millie Mengi has issued a civil plaint against Mr. Middleton accusing him of killing her animals kept unlawfully on Silverdale Farm and of forging a quarantine order issued by Zonal Veterinary Officer Dr. Swai in March 2006 who declared the animals to be suffering from Foot & Mouth Disease and imposed a Quarantine order on the animals. The publication did not state the fact that Mr. Middleton was not present on the farm when the entourage led by Mengi attended, that the court order was issued before the hearing for the order and that Mrs. Mengi had no lawful right to keep animals on the farm and could remove them at any time she wished.
On 20th July 2006, Mr. Middleton was once again arrested on allegations brought against him by Mrs. Millie Mengi. This time he was accused of breaching a civil court order. Mr. Middleton was brought before the court, refused bail and sent to Karanga Prison by Moshi Resident Magistrate, Temu and held in a prison cage outside the High Court in Moshi. IPP Media reported the arrest and imprisonment the following day.
The Daily News reported on July 26th, 2006, that the High Court in Moshi ordered the immediate release of Mr. Middleton ruling that there was no evidence to support his arrest. IPP Media publications did not report these facts. On 3rd February 2007, the Guardian newspaper accused four members of Mr. Middleton’s staff of attacking one Salim Habib, an employee of Benjamin Mengi with Pangas on Silverdale Farm without reason. The publication further stated that Mr. Middleton had stood by and watched the assault. This information was also broadcast on IPP Media Radio 1 Network. IPP Media newspaper the Nipashe carried a further article some days later stating that Mr. Middleton’s staff were now ‘on the run’ having absconded from bail. As a matter of public record, this was a blatant lie. As a matter of public record, no member of Mr. Middleton’s staff had been arrested however, Salim Habib Mengi’s cattle manager had been arrested and charged with Malicious Damage by driving forty head of adult cattle belonging to Mrs Millie Mengi onto a two hectare field of commercial maize on Silverdale Farm destroying crops and causing $20,000 of damage.
IPP Media did not report this. On 11th April 2007, the Guardian and Nipashe newspapers reported that Mr. Middleton and his wife had been ordered to pay 90m/-for defamation, based on comments accredited to them in the Daily News on June 2006.
One would think, that being fully apprised of the laws of Libel that IPP Media would know, that in cases of Libel, only the writer, printer and publisher of the material could be sued. As such, the case and the judgment were completely outside of the courts powers. IPP Media did not print this or the fact that the investor’s lawyers Moshi advocate Westgate Lumambo had deliberately failed to file a defence in the case, which was heard without Mr. Middleton being present in court. The publications stated Mr. Middleton had accused Benjamin Mengi of bribery and corruption. In fact, the person accredited with these remarks was Dr. Juma Ngasongwa Minister for Empowerment, Investment& Planning. IPP Media did not state this or the fact that he had not been sued. Instead of demonstrating a commitment to investigative journalism with a commitment to fighting corruption and good governance, the above media practice amounts to nothing short of a cowardly, deliberately inaccurate and abusive attack on the British investors, which appears to be nothing short of journalistic terrorism.
All the publications are couched in a language of suspicion and unqualified accusations of guilt against Mr. Middleton and his staff. No right of reply was ever given and all viciously attack Mr. Middleton’s commercial interest and reputation, not only in Tanzania but worldwide given the articles were published on the Internet.
In November 2005, Reginald Gave his personal assurance to former British High Commissioner to Tanzania Andrew Pocock that IPP Media would not engage in defamatory practices against the British investors in the 'Silverdale Case'.
Clearly he did not keep his promise.
The moral of the story is, if you live in a glasshouse, don't throw stones.