"wow" weblinks
- Whisper Bot - a free, simple, and secure service to provide a modern day passing of the notes between you and your friends and keep away prying eyes. Stop using e-mail for your confidential messages!
- Daleya - Search for shared files and docs on Megaupload, Rapidshare and other extremely popular file sharing networks at once
- ThePlagiarismChecker - Students can check their papers for missing citations and Educators can use it to check submitted projects and papers for misquotes or plagiarism.
- Packagetrackr - Track shipping packages online. The website can track packages by UPS, FedEx, USPS, DHL and other carriers.
- TPC - Send free fax online or via email from PC to many locations around the world.
- Tatango - Free group SMS service which makes it easier for you to send messages to a large group of friends from your PC or mobile phone.
- Audiolizer - Create, save and share music playlists and then listen to your music anywhere you have internet access.
- WikiUpload - Upload, store and share up to 5GB of files online
- Tip Of My Tongue - Helps you find the words you just can’t remember them there and then.
- VideoSurf - Aggregates results of searched web videos from popular video sharing sites such as YouTube, GoogleVideos, BlipTv etc and then links them together in a more visual way using combination of facial recognition and text search.
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