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Sunday, February 01, 2009

TweetThis! Inaudhi. Inakera. Si sahihi kutumia intaneti ya ofisini vibaya!

Samahani kwa kuanzia mada katikati lakini nimependa niwashirikishe machungu yangu kutokana na yanayotukia. Nilituma barua pepe hii kwenye kundi pepe moja kwa kudandia mada iliyohusu habari za TeknoHaMa, baadaye nikakumbuka kuwa suala hili si la watu wa IT peke yake, bali tatizo la maeneo mengi katika maofisi yetu, basi nikaona hii inafaa pia niitume kwenye makundi mengine. Leo nimeirudia tena nilipopata maoni binafsi toka kwa watu kadhaa, nikaazimu kuwa nitaibandika kwenye blogu isomwe na kila anatakayeweza kutembelea hapa kwa maana inazungumzia juu ya matumizi ya kompyuta na intaneti inayolipiwa kwa fedha za umma.

Sasa, kama mtu una shida sana na hayo, si ni uende ukafanyie nyumbani kwako huko basi! Kwani ni lazima utuzingue kwa kutumia vibaya mali ya ofisi uliyopewa dhamana? Inaudhi sana ati. Yaani mpaka basi! Ah.

Na hivi ndivyo nilivyosema:

Tatizo letu, we speak weeee, we plan sanaa we talk mnooo, sasa come to the practical part... mama yangu!

But really, if I may ask, why is it so hard for people to be faithful, work hard, let go of the past and learn from the successes of others and help each other move forward? If at this juncture, computers in public (even private) offices are being used for solitaire and car races, ndugu yangu we still have not known yet the purpose and meaning of computer invention!, eh eh, and, I almost forgot, in the offices where they are blessed to have internet connection... you will wonder what kind of activities goes on when they are infront of their little screens --- porn, nude pictures, chatting and personal emailing which have nothing to do with the office work what so freaking ever! Halafu tunashangaa we are not making any progress? Progress ipi? And if politicians have not yet known the importance of e-communication, they seriously need to send a request to the Obama Team for the a,b,c's of "The Power of The Internet during Campaigning"!

At first (back in 2005) when I noticed this trend or porn watching, nude photo sharing and car racing etc, I said to myself, tulia, 'kipya kinyemi' and 'wakikua wataacha'... it's 2009 for crying out loud, still kipya never became kinyemi and neither have these people grown out of their negative behavior, infact, I think they have become addicted, we may need professional cousellors in this sector en mass to rescue our population.... then you wonder, if people download and watch porn and chat in public forums, what are the moderators doing? How are the settings and filters configured? It's not like this is not happening in the developed world, but hey, the magnitude does not compare! At least in the developed world there is that fear and guilty conscious that if what you are doing does not sound good, eventually, it may backfire, which means you may loose your job, and for people who know that "life = work" playing such a risky game is almost unthinkable. In Tanzania, most of the people do not enjoy working. To them "work = punishment". And is that not being lazy? Since when has a nation of lazy people succeeded except by setting a bad example to the next generation? Young ones learn by examples. Baba anazuga zuga they will also grow up to zugazugaring. Mama anatafuta mboga ya chakula cha mchana na jioni itajijua they also learn not kutafuta mboga ya jioni, jioni will take care of itself huenda tukazuka kwa jirani kiaina, and then tunashangaa uchumi wa mtu unayumba, heloooo, we do not have akiba seuze to export with the aim of making some extra income? Thubutu kama hawajakuloga ama kukuita mchawi! Ai!

I hope one day we shall be able to punish people for what they did in the public office, and porn watching + public chatting + nude photos sharing should be included in the basket for the items to be punished for.

I wonder what these people say to their children when they discuss about the good use of computers and internet (do they even talk about this issue at all? mi wanda if dey no layas to dem children - pardon my esperanto)

Dream about porn all you want, that's fine, as long as it's kept within your little rotten brain, it's okay, but please, would you save us the talk by not quenching the thirst of your filthy dreams in public offices! Puhleeez! Thank you! .end.

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