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Monday, January 19, 2009

TweetThis! If you needed to import or export a car from/to Japan

Dear Friends
I hope that you all had a wonderful new year 2009
I am glad I did.

I am writing to all of you aware of your various capacities and responsibilities
I am officially staffing a Used Automobile Company called Malik Sekine Boeki (MSB), more details at: http://maliktrade.com 

Before saying more, I would like to assure my mentors, teachers, and advisers that i am working within the legal limits provided by the Japanese government to international students. So no jeopardy to my educational aims. I am staffing a Communications, Logistics and Marketing Department-you probably already know what I am up to. So, from now on, if you happen to have a need for a car, it be for the organization or yourself, please feel free to communicate with me, and share it with your personal and organizational friends in case they may need our services.

This company has been in business since year 1989 and it is a trusted exporter and importer of cars out of Japan and into Japan respectively (yes, Japanese import used cars too!)
So please, Trade with Us.

Emmanuel Abraham Mpolya
B-505 Tohoku Univ. Int`l House
19-1 Sanjomachi Aoba-Ku
Sendai 981-0935

Mobile: +81 9068531601
Room: +81 22 728 0127
E-mail: emmanuelmpolya@yahoo.co.uk
URL: http://human-security.jp
" The end crushes the beginning :-)"

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