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Thursday, August 20, 2009

TweetThis! Junior Professor in Computer Graphics and Visualization

In the framework of the German Excellence Initiative, the Ruprecht-Karls- University of Heidelberg invites applications for a Junior Professor (f/m) in Computer Graphics and Visualization

The position will be associated with the Faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science. It is an integral part of the "Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences"
(MathComp.uni-hd.de) and will play an important role in the futuredevelopment of the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR). Importantly, it will also be at the heart of a future Collaborative Research Center / Sonderforschungsbereich that the IWR currently applies for.

The successful applicant will be entirely independent. Possile research directions include computer graphics, navigation in and visualization of very large data sets from experiment or simulation, extraction and abstract representation of information, visualization of multimodal data with high resolution in space, time and wavelength.

We expect applications from outstanding individuals at the outset of their scientific career. Apart from research in computational algorithms or novel hardware implementations, the successful candidate is expected to collaborate closely with surrounding groups in scientific computing, image processing, microscopy and biology, and is invited to explore new application areas in the graduate school, in particular in the humanities and the cultural sciences.

The University generally encourages the application of female scientists, and would be particularly glad to fill this position with an outstanding female scientist. Handicapped persons with equivalent qualifications will be given preference.

Applications (hardcopy and electronic) including CV, list of publication and a detailed research statement that emphasizes possible local collaborations should be sent to the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Prof. R. Weissauer, Im Neuenheimer Feld 288, D-69120 Heidelberg by October 12, 2009. The application procedure will remain open until the position is filled.

Please send copies, applications cannot be returned.

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