Get SnagIt 7.2.5 For Free
In 2007, TechSmith offered SnagIt 7.2.5 for free, an offer that expired in January 7 in the following year. This year, TechSmith has done it again, it is offering the same product (version 7.2.5) for free.
To get your free copy, download it from their FTP servers here (click).
To install, just click on the downloaded .exe file to lauch and run the installation software.
In order to unlock the full retail version, there are a number of free SnagIt keys (click here for more keys) such as: YW6RC-4YMK6-SZBBD-C2MCW-Q9D96 just type in those figures and follow installation directions.
After installation, a message will pop up confirming registration of your free SnagIt copy.
You can read Amit's web for SnagIt Tips and Tricks or SnagIt review to see on what SnagIt can do.
Having this free version can help you uprade to the 8 version for half it's normal price.
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