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Friday, April 03, 2009

TweetThis! Applied Social Issues Internship Award

Funding Source: Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)
Application Deadline: April 10, 2009
Amount: $300-$2,500

Funding Abstract: The purpose of the program is to encourage research that is conducted in cooperation with a community or government organization, public interest group, or other not-for-profit entity that would benefit directly from the project.
Awards ordinarily range from $300 to $2,500 to cover research costs, community organizing, and in unusual cases, a stipend for the intern. Cost sharing by sponsoring department or organization is desirable.

Contact e-mail: awards@spssi.org
File Title and Sub Heading: SPSSI
Eligibility Comments: College seniors, graduate students, and first-year post doctorates in psychology, applied social science, and related disciplines are eligible.
Funding Restrictions: Research (general), Other community organizing, etc

Application Process and Required Materials
The Application should include:
a) A 3-6 page proposal including the proposed budget and a cover sheet with your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and title of your proposal. If an intervention is planned, the proposal should carefully describe the theoretical rationale for the intervention, specifically how the effectiveness of the program will be assessed and the plan to disseminate the findings to relevant parties and policy makers.
b) A short resume.
c) A letter from a faculty sponsor/supervisor of the project, a statement concerning protection for participants if relevant and any funds that the sponsoring organization will use to support the intern's research.
d) A letter from an organizational sponsor (waived if the applicant is proposing to organize a group) that endorses the intern's research activities, describes how the organization will potentially benefit from the work, and outlines any funds the organization will use to support the intern's research.

weblinks: http://www.spssi.org/ASIflyer.html
Parent Organization: www.spssi.org

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