[update] A friend is more than terified by the abuse from one website [edited]
Here is the update:
ZE Utamu was being hosted in the UK. After filing a complaint against the hosting company, the site was suspended. They then came to the US for hosting, I can assure you, US is even easier, considering their site is more or less terrosistic, I am forwarding them to the FBI for investigation wherever they are. I have gathered a lot of information about them.
Just bear with me, but by next week, it will be gone, unless it pops up from Russia, but from US and the UK, they are going to be handled accordingly. They have brought misery into people's lives, and I wonder why Tanzania authority never took action against them. A friend of mine told me on Friday, I was shocked to find a lady, I have never seen in my life claiming to be my girl friend or whatever....
Hii ndo mara yangu ya kwanza kuiona hii site na sijui ni kwa nini watanzania wameshindwa kuwashugulikia, nasikia wamewaandika hata watu wenye madaraka makubwa. Naombeni tu uvumilivu, mwezi huu watakoma popote walipo hawa wajinga. Nitashugulika nao mwezi mzima. Nitaomba maoni yenu ili tufanye nini, nitatengeneza email ya anonymous ili tukusanye maoni ya watu waliochafuliwa majina.
Naombeni msiitoe email yangu tafadhali
I have edited this post and removed the name of a person I had mentioned in the previous post. Comments from the deleted post were also carried over here but the name and work place has been removed from them as well. Earlier on I wrote:
Jamani, kwa nini uongo na kufanyiana hiyana bila sababu ya msingi ndiyo iwe njia ya kupata umaarufu na kipato kwa watu wengine? Where are we going and what are we teaching our next generation? If you very much like to do and live in that world, please leave alone those who do not want to join you. Tarnishing people's names, their personality and reputation which they have struggled to build is not a thing to take lightly. Absurd! Very saddening!
Pole sana [name withheld]!
I have just received an email supposedly from [name and email withheld for privacy and security reasons] with a message that reads as follows:
Hi AllFanya unaloweza ili iwe funzo kwa wote wenye tabia ya kutunga na kuandika maneno yasiyo ya kweli. Hueda hii itasaidia kuheshimu utu wa mtu!
I had never seen the site called Ze-Utamu crap until yesterday when I received floury of emails and phone calls informing me of a posting related to a lady I have never interacted with or ever seen in my life.
Following the notification, I realized that many other persons reputations had been far damaged than mine. I scrambled within a short window of time to secure the IP of the host, and initiated a legal process to bring down the site. At the same time, through a legal expert, there is going to be a lawsuit (litigation) against the host for damages, because they willingly and knowingly allowed, or other hosted a site that was spreading damage to the public contrary to their policies.
To those whose reputations have been damaged, it is not the end of the road, the site may appear from other underworld hosts, but in the meantime, lets breath a sigh of relief, and try all we can to chock the life out of this crapy site. Hope this can bring some sort of calm and perhaps bring the culprits to books.Some of the IP's that forwarded the pictures maybe demanded from the host, thus try all you can to stay away, especially from submitting pictures to the site owners.
I have heard and read enough of this site at Michuzi's blog when it got banned and taken down. Even if my one visit won't change a thing, I stick to not visiting such a site which does not teach me anything positive. It's not even worth mentioning the particular stupid website here! It's full of nonsense of which I have no space in my blog to host.
2 feedback :
Earlier on,
Mzee wa Changamoto said...
Pole sana [name withheld]. Kwa kweli inasikitisha na utagundua kuwa watu wengi wanapenda na kushabikia ujinga na upumbavu kuliko kusaidia katika maendeleo. Uliona watu walivyotoa maoni kila uwekapo uchambuzi wako kwenye Blogs na unaona jinsi wasivyotaka kuchangia maoni kwenye picha na habari za maana. Itokapo habari ya kusaidia watoto wenye uhitaji, yenye kuzungumzia namna ya kuisaidia jamii ama aina yoyote ya mtazamo chanya wa kuibadili jamii watu hawachangii, lakini kukiwa na habari ambayo ni ya ka-skendo kiasi ama kashfa ama ambayo mtu anaweza kuifanya ikaleta utata fulani basi maoni yatakuwa mengi. Ukweli ni kwamba kuna kuchafuana na kudhalilishana kunakoendelea ambako ni kama vita dhidi ya wale wanaoonesha nia ya kuwa msaada kwa jamii.
Pole sana Kaka
Earlier on,
Anonymous said...
[name withheld], you are currently one of the Tanzania heroes and trusted brains. don't let these idiots, wanna be famous woes get under your skin. They are opportunist gold diggers wanna be famous with nothing. You are still our hero, and don't pay attention to these losers. You are a star god bless you brother john and represent Tanzania in the [place of work edited]