Tujifunze KiSwahili (zaidi)
Wakati fulani nilifanikiwa kupata maandiko yaliyoelezea kazi na mchango wa Profesa Sheikh Nabhany kuhusu KiSwahili. Ama kwa hakika maneno yake na masimulizi aliyoyafanya wakati fulani katika redio ya BBC Swahili alinisababisha niwe na hamu ya kukipenda, kukisoma na kukitumia zaidi KiSwahili.
Nilipata bahati ya kuhifadhi nukuu ya yaliyokuwa yameandikwa katika tovuti fulani . Sina anwani ya tovuti ya kuelekeza penye chanzo cha habari hii kwa kuwa tovuti husika haipatikani tena mtandaoni. Tafadhali ukitumia na kufaidi lolote kutokana na haya, basi shukrani zimwendee mwenyewe Profesa Ahmed Sheikh Nabhany, O.G.W.
Ikiwa unapenda kujifunza KiSwahili, tafadhali tembelea ukurasa niliouandaa hapa
The Building of Synonyms in the Language of Kiswahili by Prof. Ahmed Sheikh Nabhany, O.G.W.
.... for the word for "Television" I joined three words:
(1) "rununu" (news), (2) "yakuenga" (to observed things), and (3) "kwa maninga" (by eyes). Now to the Waswahili "rununu" is news that comes from afar and then comes into the city. Therefore this news is brought by jinn (genies), or so is the belief of the Waswahili. Now this is the news from afar and therefore this news from afar is news ("rununu") for seeing with the eyes. Therefore the function of the television is to broadcast news for seeing with the eyes. To shorten that word we cut it. From "rununu" we took "ru", and from "kuenga" we took "nga", and from "maninga" we took "nga". Thus we left one "nga". Then it was "rung". Now because we put in "ninga" for the sake of melodiousness, we then had "runinga".
Then I invented words which were not in the parlance of science nor common use by employing ancient words which people do not know are able to be used. These which follow are only a few old words that I invented and those whichare not known these days:
baruwa pepe - e-mail
bwaga - universe
bwanga - space
chapishiyo - printer
chuo kikuu - college
darabu - loom
dutu - volume
fumano - reflection
gombo / ukurasa - page
gaba / ugaba - surface
gaso - camp
gaba / jalada - file
hazigi - doctor
jape / nahodha - captain
jazanda - image
joma askar - soldier
jopo - panel (of people)
k'eteo - roundabout
kibano - stapler
kikaza / kitauzi - mouse (for computer)
kitakatera - shirt
kitengo - sub-committee
kivazo - barracks
koshi - boot
k'oto - overtime
kuhazigiwa - treatment
kwezo - lift / elevator
malezi - kindergarten / nursury school
mangala - microscope
mangati - mirage
masamba - bicycle
mcharazi - typist
mfumbati - secretary
mjumi - artist
mkurungwa - officer
mlinzi - watchman
mpeki - driver
mshabeko - jeck
msingi - primary school
mtongoo - sentence
mt'umi - manager
m'tuso - bumping
muwangi / muhasibu - accountant
mwae - oxygen
mwangaza - beam
mwengoya - radio
mwimo - institute
mwingo - echo
n'daki - university
ng'amiza / ng'amizi - computer
ngondo - power
ngosi - energy
ngulizi - chief
nili - blue
nyakaso - camera
p'ataninga - video
pepesi - fax
runinga - television
rununu - telephone
santuri - diskette
shokaa - chalk
t'aa - bag
tambazo - scanner
tengo - committee
tobow - punch
tumba - bulb
tungondo - hygiene
t'up'u - zero
udandi - pencil
ufufuzi / utimbuzi - excavation
uhazigini - hospital
ukurungwani - office
uka (pl. nyuka) - ray
ulimbe - science
ungamanisho - Internet
upili - secondary school
ushoho / madaba / - pause
ushunuzi - psychology
ustadi - technology
utambi - orbit
utambuzi - identity
utangu - archaeology
uyoo - picture
uyoyozi - air conditioning
vuguto - heater
wewindu - focus
zibanzi - chips
zihi - personally
zingiro - global
*Words which come Words from Kingozi (Old Swahili)*
*from** Arabic*
al-fajiri - mashekoo
ami - bakulu
ari - wingwa
asali - uki
asubuhi - kuwaa / kupambazuka
bahari - uziwa / nyongoza
baridi - bombombo
bunduki - mrau
damu - ngeo / mweni
dhahabu - n'gandu
dhaifu - kiefu
dhamana - kobela
dharubu - kikumu
fasaha - buli buli
fitina - utongolezi
hadaa - danganya
harara - mono
harufu - vumba
hishima - mbeko
jabali - mwamba
jahazi - sambo
jura - mgoni
khofu - kicho
kibula - manga
kiburi - ndeo / ndezi
kofi - ipi
laana - hawari
lakini - ilapo
lawama - matayo
lazima - darasoo
magharibi - lakuwa
makini - utuvo
malikiya - mize
mashariki - lakuwaa
mastaajabu - mahalimamo
mazibala - yaa / jaa
nafasi - ngeya
rahisi - bwerere / mavuyo / ubwete
rehema - mbawazi
sahani - wiya
sahau - liwaa
shaka - fafani
shujaa - jagina
siri - fezezi
sitihizai - shere / shokori
sultwani - makame
swalata - t'ota
swiha - rahi
Nilipata bahati ya kuhifadhi nukuu ya yaliyokuwa yameandikwa katika tovuti fulani . Sina anwani ya tovuti ya kuelekeza penye chanzo cha habari hii kwa kuwa tovuti husika haipatikani tena mtandaoni. Tafadhali ukitumia na kufaidi lolote kutokana na haya, basi shukrani zimwendee mwenyewe Profesa Ahmed Sheikh Nabhany, O.G.W.
Ikiwa unapenda kujifunza KiSwahili, tafadhali tembelea ukurasa niliouandaa hapa
The Building of Synonyms in the Language of Kiswahili by Prof. Ahmed Sheikh Nabhany, O.G.W.
.... for the word for "Television" I joined three words:
(1) "rununu" (news), (2) "yakuenga" (to observed things), and (3) "kwa maninga" (by eyes). Now to the Waswahili "rununu" is news that comes from afar and then comes into the city. Therefore this news is brought by jinn (genies), or so is the belief of the Waswahili. Now this is the news from afar and therefore this news from afar is news ("rununu") for seeing with the eyes. Therefore the function of the television is to broadcast news for seeing with the eyes. To shorten that word we cut it. From "rununu" we took "ru", and from "kuenga" we took "nga", and from "maninga" we took "nga". Thus we left one "nga". Then it was "rung". Now because we put in "ninga" for the sake of melodiousness, we then had "runinga".
Then I invented words which were not in the parlance of science nor common use by employing ancient words which people do not know are able to be used. These which follow are only a few old words that I invented and those whichare not known these days:
baruwa pepe - e-mail
bwaga - universe
bwanga - space
chapishiyo - printer
chuo kikuu - college
darabu - loom
dutu - volume
fumano - reflection
gombo / ukurasa - page
gaba / ugaba - surface
gaso - camp
gaba / jalada - file
hazigi - doctor
jape / nahodha - captain
jazanda - image
joma askar - soldier
jopo - panel (of people)
k'eteo - roundabout
kibano - stapler
kikaza / kitauzi - mouse (for computer)
kitakatera - shirt
kitengo - sub-committee
kivazo - barracks
koshi - boot
k'oto - overtime
kuhazigiwa - treatment
kwezo - lift / elevator
malezi - kindergarten / nursury school
mangala - microscope
mangati - mirage
masamba - bicycle
mcharazi - typist
mfumbati - secretary
mjumi - artist
mkurungwa - officer
mlinzi - watchman
mpeki - driver
mshabeko - jeck
msingi - primary school
mtongoo - sentence
mt'umi - manager
m'tuso - bumping
muwangi / muhasibu - accountant
mwae - oxygen
mwangaza - beam
mwengoya - radio
mwimo - institute
mwingo - echo
n'daki - university
ng'amiza / ng'amizi - computer
ngondo - power
ngosi - energy
ngulizi - chief
nili - blue
nyakaso - camera
p'ataninga - video
pepesi - fax
runinga - television
rununu - telephone
santuri - diskette
shokaa - chalk
t'aa - bag
tambazo - scanner
tengo - committee
tobow - punch
tumba - bulb
tungondo - hygiene
t'up'u - zero
udandi - pencil
ufufuzi / utimbuzi - excavation
uhazigini - hospital
ukurungwani - office
uka (pl. nyuka) - ray
ulimbe - science
ungamanisho - Internet
upili - secondary school
ushoho / madaba / - pause
ushunuzi - psychology
ustadi - technology
utambi - orbit
utambuzi - identity
utangu - archaeology
uyoo - picture
uyoyozi - air conditioning
vuguto - heater
wewindu - focus
zibanzi - chips
zihi - personally
zingiro - global
*Words which come Words from Kingozi (Old Swahili)*
*from** Arabic*
al-fajiri - mashekoo
ami - bakulu
ari - wingwa
asali - uki
asubuhi - kuwaa / kupambazuka
bahari - uziwa / nyongoza
baridi - bombombo
bunduki - mrau
damu - ngeo / mweni
dhahabu - n'gandu
dhaifu - kiefu
dhamana - kobela
dharubu - kikumu
fasaha - buli buli
fitina - utongolezi
hadaa - danganya
harara - mono
harufu - vumba
hishima - mbeko
jabali - mwamba
jahazi - sambo
jura - mgoni
khofu - kicho
kibula - manga
kiburi - ndeo / ndezi
kofi - ipi
laana - hawari
lakini - ilapo
lawama - matayo
lazima - darasoo
magharibi - lakuwa
makini - utuvo
malikiya - mize
mashariki - lakuwaa
mastaajabu - mahalimamo
mazibala - yaa / jaa
nafasi - ngeya
rahisi - bwerere / mavuyo / ubwete
rehema - mbawazi
sahani - wiya
sahau - liwaa
shaka - fafani
shujaa - jagina
siri - fezezi
sitihizai - shere / shokori
sultwani - makame
swalata - t'ota
swiha - rahi
5 feedback :
Hi Babu I’m your granddaughter Halima (12 years of age in a month) in London and would like to know how to contact you via email. I hope you are in good health as all of us here are. When you get this can you send us your personal email to lima_lollie@hotmail.co.uk thank you. We all wish you a healthy Ramadhan ishallah. ps Dad say hi send me Mohameds phone number please. Hope to hear from you soon.
Yours Halima and family
ningependa kuwasialiana na mzee huyu aniase kuhusu mengi ambayo ayajua
ningeomba michango mingine ya istilahi za microbiology (elividubini) kushughulikiwa. mfano
animal viruses-nyamarusi
helical viruses-hesirusi
DNA helix-mkufu jeni
na kadhalika.
Kwa hakika umenijuza mengi... niko ng'ambo lakini najiskia nyumbani kila siku kupitia radio...(capital fm) na miziki ambayo umeiweka katika nukta77.
Denzel, endelea kuondoa upweke kwa kusikiliza redio za kwenye mtandao zinazoturudisha kwetu. Nami huwa nikipata nafasi wakati wowote nasikiliza redio za nyumbani kujua kinachoendelea.