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Sunday, September 27, 2009

TweetThis! Have you touched someone's heart?

If animals can see, and recall, and remember, and express their "Thank You"s why can't human beings? Next time think twice before saying anything stupid about animals, they are here for a reason (even if we don't know it, at least I don't).
She is pregnant;
he had just saved her from a fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, while he continued to fight the fire.
When he finally got done putting the fire out, he sat down to catch his breath and rest.
A photographer from the Charlotte, North Carolina newspaper, noticed her in the distance looking at the fireman.
He saw her walking straight toward the fireman and wondered what she was going to do.
As he raised his camera, she came up to the tired man who had saved her life and the lives of her babies and kissed him just as the photographer snapped this photograph.

2 feedback :

Subi Nukta said... Mon Sep 28, 11:51:00 PM MST  

Naam, ikiwa wanyama wanaweza kuona na kujifunza na kutoa shukrani, sisi tunaoitwa wenye utashi kuliko viumbe wengine wowote, kinachotushinda kufanya hivyo ni kipi?
Hii kwa kweli imenigusa mimi ndani kabisa ya moyo wangu, sina ubishi, nawatizama viumbe kwa namna ya pekee sana sasa. Ipo namna na lipo kusudi la wao kuwepo!

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